Sample Sunday: Khaligraph Jones – Yego

Blu Ink; 2015

Khaligraph Jones’ Yego was the definitive trap anthem of 2015. There was something about it that made it really catchy. Was it that it referred to a figure Kenyans already recognized? Was it Khaligraph’s uncompromising braggadocio and delivery? Was it that infectious beat? Whatever it was, Yego resonated well among a Kenyan audience that is slowly starting to get used to the idea that this sound will be utilised more and more by local rappers. 

Production-wise, Yego heavily samples Young Thug’s Power off his 2015 Slime Season mixtape. Motif had little to do here, other than jack up the bass a little and drop a few extra bells and whistles.


Both Yego and Power  handle the same themes of money and power, but it’s easier to gravitate towards Khaligraph’s verses, especially for those who have no idea what the heck an Ace of Spades is but can easily point you towards the direction of Kogelo.